About Us

AEGIS Game Studios is a Christian game development studio dedicated to crafting immersive, story-driven experiences grounded in Biblical truth. While our games take place in fictional worlds, they are shaped by the principles of scripture, offering players engaging adventures that explore themes of faith, redemption, and the human condition.

We do not directly retell Biblical events, nor do our stories shy away from the reality of a broken world. We write narratives that acknowledge sin, conflict, and even the presence of magic in their settings, but always with a clear distinction: there is only one true redeemer, and that is Christ. Some of our games depict worlds lost in darkness, highlighting the weight of human choices and the consequences of turning away from their Creator. Others explore the cost of division, the struggle between peace and confrontation, and the eternal question—what does it mean to follow Christ, and what happens when we don’t?

These games are made for everyone. You don’t have to share our beliefs to enjoy them, just as one can appreciate a story without aligning with every idea it presents. But for us, faith is not just an influence—it is the foundation of everything we create. We understand that our message may not resonate with everyone, and some may even be offended by the presence of Christian themes in our work. That’s a reality we accept. Our conviction remains the same: to create excellent games that reflect the love, power, and truth of Christ.

Rather than attempting to make games that recreate the historic scenes directly from the Bible, our games take you on adventures in fictional worlds grounded in biblical principles and scripture. From exploring an immersive fantasy medieval world filled with all sorts of exciting animals and creatures (AEGIS Kingdoms), to puzzle solving in dystopian-futuristic worlds with parabolic story telling (The Incredible Adventures of Josh & Connor)

Relationship with the AEGIS community is a cornerstone in our ethos, and one of our highest priorities. We actively pray for all of those in our community, as well as making inroads to offering mentoring for community members and partnerships with UK churches.

We make resources for families to support their loved ones in gaming hobbies and understand the online world better, especially from a Christian perspective.

Originally conceived by Josh ‘Five’ Day in 2019, AEGIS has been slowly growing into what it is today. Starting off as a small, safe online community that plays games together, to growing gently into a game development studio in October 2023.

Josh likes spending time on creating fun community events, new content focused around community and overall just hanging out in Discord playing games with everyone, too! He is invested in the wellbeing of everyone who belongs to AEGIS and loves getting to know everyone. He is always learning, looking for opportunities to better himself, make friends and generally continue to make the world a little brighter for people. 

In August 2024 Roleplay Forge Games was formed as a sidewing of AEGIS Game Studios, with a focus on developing a high quality roleplaying platform for the RP community.


AEGIS Game Studios is a Christian Game Development Studio on a mission to bring the love and light of Christ to millions of gamers around the world. We believe that, through scripture, He will transform lives and hearts as the truth is shared and experienced in interactive form.

  • To inspire and encourage you with stories that celebrate good overcoming evil.
  • To bring the teachings of Jesus into the worlds we build, igniting the imagination and teaching truth.
  • To spearhead evangelism through the use of video game creation.
  • To provide and support an awesome community of gamers from all walks of life who have a safe space, to be met with love and support in a trusted environment, providing an avenue for truth.
  • To provide prayer and discipleship for members of our community, including access to partners in local churches we know and trust.
  • To provide learning resources for parents and family members who are interested in learning more about the online world and would like to support a loved one in their interests and hobbies.


We recognize that we are crafting fiction—imaginative worlds and narratives that, while inspired by scripture, remain the creative work of human hands. Our stories may reflect Biblical themes, but they are not divine revelation and should never be placed above the authority of God’s Word. Just as a painting may capture a glimpse of a landscape without fully replicating it, our stories may reflect Biblical truth but should never be mistaken for scripture itself.

Scripture is the foundation for all matters of faith and doctrine, and we acknowledge its supremacy in guiding our storytelling. Every decision we make regarding our fictional worlds, characters, and themes is filtered through the lens of scripture. However, we also acknowledge the limitations of our knowledge and the caution required when exploring subjects that scripture does not explicitly address.

“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
— 2 Timothy 3:16-17

There are elements of worldbuilding—such as the nature of sin in non-human races, the corruption of flesh, and the possibility of sentient artificial beings—that pose unique theological challenges. In these areas, where scripture does not provide explicit details, we proceed with caution, ensuring that our creative choices do not contradict Biblical principles.

The Biblical Races and the Nature of Sin

In scripture, God has created two distinct categories of sentient beings:

  1. Humans – Created in the image of God.

    “Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness…’”
    — Genesis 1:26-27

  2. Angels – Created as ministering spirits to serve God.

    “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?”
    — Hebrews 1:14

Within these two categories, we see a further division based on obedience or rebellion against God.

  • Humans have sinned: Sin entered the world through Adam, and as his descendants, all humanity inherits a sinful nature.

    “Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned.”
    — Romans 5:12

  • Some angels have fallen: A portion of the angelic host followed Satan in rebellion and are condemned.

    “And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day.”
    — Jude 1:6

  • Holy angels remain sinless: They serve God faithfully and obey His commands.

    “Bless the Lord, you His angels, who excel in strength, who do His word, heeding the voice of His word.”
    — Psalm 103:20

This Biblical framework presents a challenge when introducing fictional non-human races, such as dwarves or elves. If they are not biologically descended from Adam, do they inherit a sinful nature? The logical answer might be no, yet scripture teaches that all of creation is under the curse of sin.

“For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.”
— Romans 8:20-22

Because of this, we portray all mortal beings as affected by the corruption of sin, regardless of their race (organic or not). This creative choice aligns with the broader Biblical truth that sin has tainted the entire world. Even if a race were not of Adam’s lineage, they would still exist in a universe that groans under the weight of sin, as all have fallen short.

However please understand we are not saying this is or promoting replacement theology.

The Question of Sentient Robots

A more complex issue arises when considering artificial beings with sentience. Can a robot have a soul? Can it sin? Can it receive salvation? Scripture does not provide direct answers to these questions (perhaps because such events are never to occur outside of fiction), so we approach them with caution and humility.

Throughout scripture, we see that all living beings possess spirit—whether angels taking on human form (Genesis 19:1-3), demons seeking bodies to inhabit (Luke 8:30-33), or even an object being granted animation for deceptive purposes:

“He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.”
— Revelation 13:15

From a creative standpoint, this provides a precedent for depicting similar scenarios.

What matters most is not the question of whether a robot like this can exist, but rather how such characters serve as reflections of human struggles and emotions.

What if a player identifies with a sentient robot—feeling artificial, disconnected, or unloved? Can they receive salvation? Absolutely. Not because they are a robot, but because they are a human being, made in the image of God, with the opportunity to receive salvation through Christ.

We would prefer the person, relating to the fictional character, to read and witness a redemption narrative for that fictional character if it means communicating to the person that salvation is available for them also. Not because we’re suggesting robots can receive salvation, but because we want to win the person over.

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”
— Ephesians 2:8-9

Because of this some sentient robots are portrayed as followers of Christ, while others reject Him. Some find redemption, while others remain lost—just as is the case with humanity. This is not a theological statement about the nature of artificial beings, but rather a means of telling a story that reflects human struggles with faith and redemption.

We are not here to needlessly provoke controversy, nor to compromise Biblical truth. If offense arises, it should be because of the message of the Gospel, not because we have mishandled theological concepts in our storytelling.

“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”
— 1 Corinthians 1:18

So understand that these stories written are to be relatable to win over those experiencing it, not as a theological statement. The characters are fictional, but those reading and experiencing these stories, are not. That is who matters to us.

Scripture is the Final Authority

It is imperative that we always hold scripture above all else. While we endeavour to align our stories with Biblical truth, we recognize that fiction remains fiction. The Word of God alone is the source of absolute truth.

“Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.”
— John 17:17

We are storytellers—but scripture is, and always will be, the ultimate authority and fully revealed Word of God.


AEGIS Game Studios has a number of operations which you can read about below.

DEVELOPMENT: Creating interactive games for millions of gamers to enjoy.

COMMUNITY: A mixture of community management, and a group of amazing Game Masters that spend time on our platforms (in-game, Discord and forums) helping out players, running quests, events, and just generally checking in to see how people are.

MEDIA: The development and administration of marketing materials for products, engagement on social media, and the production of educational Christian resources for parents, church leaders, youth leaders and those invested in learning to support safe gaming from a Christian perspective.

SUPPORT: Providing customer service to our players, as well as internal support to keep the studio running.

PRAYER: Volunteer coordinated & strategic prayer for those in our community, and for the ministry.

MODERATION: Moderation of the online community and their platforms (in games, forums and Discord). Specifically to handle the serving of punishments and monitoring to ensure safety of the entire community. Every Mod has a multi-stage health bar and boss music playing.


As a Christian business & ministry, Christ must always be first in the decisions that are made, and done so in careful and considered wisdom to ensure positive impacts and safeguarding of stakeholders, employees and those involved with AGS.

That is why accountability is a very important aspect of this ministry. The spiritual and business leadership of AEGIS Game Studios falls directly to Josh, who has outlined the following ways he maintains accountability:


  1. Monthly communication with partners. Not to put a strain on the necessity to deliver tangible updates on a monthly basis, but to keep the communication open with partners who work with AEGIS Game Studios. It is about forging genuine relationships and transparency with stakeholders and partners, to provide an avenue of support and feedback.
  2. Engagement with the wider Church and leaders to share experiences, learn from each other, network and promote the resources and work that AEGIS Game Studios produces & does.
  3. A small, dedicated group of experienced Christians support Josh, who offer their counsel, feedback, wisdom and prayerful insight. They are invested in the vision and mission of AEGIS Game Studios and dedicate their time to helping it grow, attentive and sensitive to the direction the Holy Spirit leads AEGIS Game Studios.


The Information Commissioner’s Office states that 93% of UK children play video games.

Online games, like any social (interactive) media, bring a certain element of risk due to the anonymity that these platforms bring. Whilst adults (especially those who have extensive experience and have grown up with social media and online games) are much more aware of the risks that come with interacting with strangers online, that is not always the case for parents and children who do not always understand the risks.

To ensure the continued safeguarding of children in video games, the Information Commissioner’s Office sets the standard for ensuring games conform with data protection law. The information issued includes recommendations for games designers and providers to:

  1. Identify if players are under the age of 18 with a reasonable degree of certainty, and discourage false declarations of age.
  2. Ensure that games are not detrimental to children’s health and well-being, by including checkpoints and age-appropriate prompts to encourage players to take breaks from extended play or help them to disengage from extended sessions without feeling pressurised to continue playing or becoming fearful of missing out.
  3. Turn off behavioural profiling for marketing by default. If a child chooses to opt into receiving ads, you should implement measures to control or monitor product placement, advertising, or sponsorship arrangements including within community servers, where children can access community servers from within the game. [It should be noted that AGS does NOT collect, buy or sell data. It does not use ads. It does not behavioural profile. There are no sponsored products at this time, nor can users access community servers from within games.]

  4. Discourage the use of “nudge techniques” to encourage children to make poor privacy decisions, including reviewing the marketing of social media competitions and partnerships to children and the encouraging of children to create social media accounts for fear of missing out on rewards. [AGS does NOT use nudge techniques or other design choices to encourage children to make poor privacy decisions.]

As a qualified teacher with 7 years working in the UK FE education sector (majority of time spent in SEN departments), Josh has extensive experience in safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. He knows all too well that the current level of industry practice regarding safeguarding in video games is meeting minimal requirements in comparison to education.

Social media is only now just beginning to catch up by implementing parental controls for users under the age of 18. It is the vision for AEGIS Game Studios to be an industry leader in providing appropriate tools and control for parents to safeguard their children when engaging with online games and their respective communities.

As such, features and tools are actively being explored not only to fulfil the recommendations of the ICO, but to set the standard for safeguarding in the video games industry.

Furthermore, all AEGIS Game Studios staff and volunteers receive annual Safeguarding and Prevent training.


As part of AEGIS Game Studios’ ministry, we believe it is our duty to be providing Christian educational resources to encourage a healthy, supportive and safe approach to video games. From forming healthy habits, to educating parents on the contents of games, to also providing a list of games and their contents to help parents and others make the best informed decisions about the games available.

It is our aim to provide factual information, inclusive of pros and cons for the video game hobby.


We do this by:

  1. Grounding all teaching in Biblical truth, directly from scripture.
  2. Creating safe, educational, low-stimulus mobile apps and games to play with zero adverts, profiling or in-app purchases. 
  3. Drawing on extensive teaching experience and strong multimedia skills to create digestible resources like videos (TikToks, Shorts, Reels), blog posts, presentations, music (Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music) and more.
  4. Delivering sessions remotely and in-person to a range of individuals such as church leadership, parents, youth leaders etc.
  5. Producing physical resources like books, leaflets, bookmarks and more.
  6. Producing Christian reviews of video games (pros and cons) to help make informed decisions about purchasing and playing games.


AEGIS Kingdoms is a fictional, immersive fantasy world set in our adaptation of the King Arthur legend. Players can explore many worlds filled with different creatures, races and cultures, how they relate to Christ (who is called Aleph in the game), the impacts of sin in the world, and an engaging story that players can experience together. 

Key takeaways:

  • Multiplayer online-only game where you can chat, meet and live within a fictional fantasy world.
  • Initial unit price, with optional monthly subscription (3 tiers at different pricing points), as well as optional premium currency which can be purchased for money and also earned in-game. Inclusive of a premium store which sells cosmetic items.
  • Playful artstyle, with low budget cost to produce content.
  • Created on the basis: “What if Jesus Christ was in this world”.
  • The character “Aleph the Lion” is not an allegorical representation of Christ, rather a Christophany in the fantasy world.
  • You will find Christophanies in the many worlds you travel to, and witness the impact of Christ’s ultimate sacrifice on the cross for our sins, and Him being the only way, truth and the life. That no one comes to the Father except through Jesus.
  • That is to say there is one Christ, but how different cultures and races relate to Christ varies, but all grounded in scripture.
  • Diverse and interesting story to engage users of all ages, but aimed at adults due to the adult concepts taken from the Bible. Subtle enough for young teens to play with comic violence and mild themes.
  • Focuses on biblical truth / scripture in a fictional setting. Inspired by other Christian fiction.
  • Zero predatory design features aimed to nudge or prompt users into paying money or playing for extended periods of time.
  • Development of parental controls to restrict content for minors.


The Incredible Adventures of Josh & Connor: The Pre-Prologue is a point & click, narrative-driven adventure game.

The narrative and design of the game allows for “action and consequence” gameplay, presenting the player with a range of options, which all have consequences to the game. This is done in a way that requires multiple playthroughs of the game, but also has an overarching narrative.

It draws on popular and relevant themes like AI, morality, humanity and righteouness, whilst also injecting humour along the way.

It is an explorative game, and encourages the player to take their time to explore the world, immersing themselves in this unique IP.

Key takeaway:

  • Singleplayer game, with single unit sales price. Optional additional / new content in the form of paid DLC.
  • Playful, bright and unique artstyle to invite and immerse players.
  • Parabolic, comedic story telling based on scripture within fictional scenarios.
  • Immersive world with a heavy focus on exploration.
  • Action and consequence game mechanics, with medium replayability.


AEGIS Game Studios has created a dedicated subsidiary studio called Roleplay Forge Games to create a new, safe and immersive roleplaying experience for the RP community.

Key takeaway:

  • Multiplayer online-only game where you can chat, meet and live within a fictional cyberpunk world.

  • Initial unit price, with low-priced monthly subscription for continued access.

  • Doesn’t feature microtransactions at this time.

  • Roleplay centered game features.


Key takeaway:

  • Multiplayer online-only game set in an original cartoon world, reminiscent of old browser games and childhood cartoon experiences.