Hello Adventurers! Here are the patch notes for today’s update.
- The next internal test date has now been confirmed to be 4th April 2025, where the team will conduct the various tests on Battlegrounds. If this goes well, we’ll move forward and open it up to the playerbase to register interest.
- A secondary stress test is also in the works to stress the PTR with our AdventureBots™. These are simulated players (bots) driven from a special client. They will run around, patrol, attack things, die etc and generally simulate players for the purpose of ~statistics~.
- Significant progress has been made on the ‘new’ account system (this has been a long time in the works) so account registration is now through the website (rather than in-game), including email verification / account activation.
- This is a unified system, so will act as your single login for all AEGIS games and the forums moving forward (rather than an account for each service). The aim is to unburden you with account as much as possible, and it also means for any future projects that monthly membership could be shared across all games etc (receive perks across your entire account). Obviously the focus is AEGIS Kingdoms, but it’s worth building with longevity in mind, so these types of things are considered.
- The AdventureBots™ have been locally tested with great success, so that is now shaping up to be a good stress test for the PTR. The initial ‘AdventureBot Clients’ have been prepped, state machines are all working and overall seems to operate well. The next step will be doing a dry run on the PTR ahead of the stress test to make sure no silly compilation errors or whatnot occur. (Essentially to make the actual stress test go smoothly).
PATCH NOTES – 16th March 2025
- NEW: Account registration is now through the website, so the in-game ‘register’ button has been removed entirely. Note: this is not ‘live’ yet (fun fact the ‘account’ button leads to the forums currently), but useful to know for the future when account registration is opened up.
- FIX: Minimap is now actually fixed this time, I promise.
- FIX: ‘Forgot Password’ button now redirects to the password reset webpage.
- FIX: ‘Need Help’ button now redirects to the FAQ webpage.
- FIX: ‘Create Account’ button now redirects to the account registration page.
- FIX: Account registration (via the website) now uses the correct security protocols (as it was attempting to use the old system).
- FIX: Area Map (aka world map) no longer has stretched tribals at the top of it’s banner.
- NEW: Added some extremely rare hats.
- NEW: Added some unique item drops for the extremely rare hats.
- FIX: Bronze Armourset Icons have been updated to the new models.
- FIX: Iron Armourset Icons have been updated to the new models.
- FIX: Mythril Armourset Icons have been updated to the new models.
- FIX: Adamantine Armourset Icons have been updated to the new models.
- FIX: Albium Armourset Icons have been updated to the new models.
- FIX: Obsidian Armourset Icons have been updated to the new models.
- FIX: Gold Armourset Icons have been updated to the new models.
- FIX: Dragonstone Armourset Icons have been updated to the new models.
- NEW: Game Master’s Wreath has had it’s icon added.
- NEW: Blade of Vel’tor has had it’s icon added.
- NEW: Shield of Vel’tor has had it’s icon added.
- BUG: Mastery XP does not visually update in window when the panel is open, and requires re-opening the panel to view the gained increase.
- BUG: Click to move doesn’t rotate the character so it looks weird.
- BUG: Cannot talk with NPCs whilst using the new character controller. (Turns out it’s not currently being fixed as I write this, and instead persisting like a cockroach).
- BUG: Ranged weapons inexplicably consume vast amounts of remaining ammo on reload.
- BUG: Inventory hangs when opening, causing a large frame drop.
- BUG: Character profile doesn’t update equipment slots unless the inventory has been opened first.
- BUG: Battlegrounds timer doesn’t always activate.
- BUG: Click to move VFX marker doesn’t always show when using the new character controller.
- BUG: Warping has inaccuracies causing players to fall through the map when warping within the same map.
- BUG: Harvestables cannot be harvested when in streaming scenes.
Dragon Slayer
Five is the founder of AEGIS Game Studios. When he's not slaying dragons, he's making games, playing music, or writing new adventures. Community is at the heart of everything he does, and loves to play co-op games with basically anyone he can pursuade to join him. Christian and loving husband, Five adores spending time with his wife, especially out on the open sea.
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